
Welcome to 44thPOTUS. On this blog I am looking to piece together a few coherent strands from this extraordinary race, and point you towards some of the reasons why we are at this moment in history.

I will look back on the election season and look forward to the priorities of the 44th President of the United States. I will analyse the issues, the money, the media, the distractions, and mostly the strategies of both campaigns.

Friday, 31 October 2008

"America, our moment is now"

The Obama campaign has a new web video to fire up the base and get the folks to the polls [http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=2J42Mz8-0eg&eurl=http://www.jedreport.com/]

And this 30 minute campaign show, which ran on on 7 channels, national channels nad special interest channels, like a Latino channel. 30 million people saw it. [http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=GtREqAmLsoA&feature=channel] After 27 minutes, the show went live, to join Obama and Biden in a stadium-filled ralley in Florida. [http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=GZPIdyONWyw&feature=related] He told the entire country to go to his website and find out how to help get out the vote. This 30 minute ad is designed to shift the undecideds (and low info voters) into his camp.

Add another 3 million watching Obama on the Daily Show Wednesday evening, and a storm of media coverage over the midnight rally Obama held with Bill Clinton. A good day, then, for the Obamas campaign. And I expect it doesn't end here.

Some events that could be round the corner, to seal the deal?

A return to Springfield, Illinois late monday night, for a rally at the place he began it, in February last year? [http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=gdJ7Ad15WCA] He went back there in August, after choosing Biden, so maybe he'll visit a series of swing states - Pennslvania, Virginia, Nevada, North Carolina, Florida, Ohio - there are many to choose from.

I sense that the media-busting surprises are not over. Maybe Obama'll convince Powell to go on the stump, maybe he'll bring Bill and Hillary, Biden his wife Jill, and Michelle Obama and their two kids all together. I don't know, but I am sure there will be something.

And they will have to keep the momentum going. The Page reports [http://thepage.time.com/2008/10/31/davis-were-pretty-jazzed-up/] that McCain's "Mike DuHaime says the campaign has made 5.3 million phone calls and doorknocks in the past week, including 1.3 million Thursday alone. Compares with 1.9 million for the same week in 2004.
These big-scale efforts have never been seen before."

That is a lot of people, so this is by no means over.

It all comes down to getting the folks to the polls, and those folks knowing that with their vote they can bring their man to power.

Get Out The Vote





then we are there - Tuesday.

The weekend will be a fury of activity unlike anything seen before - hundreds of thousands of supporters and volunteers for both campaigns.

To counter the idea of Obama having it in the bag, his campaign has released this video [http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=8Xnk9aqih8o] to get people fired up for the long hours ahead.

It all comes down to getting out the vote, and Obama's grassroots structure is new, has not been up against the republican machine, and they will either win the election or lose it. The Obama campaign is doing an incredible job, but they know nothing can be taken for granted.